The Biennial General Meeting of the Telugu Association of Malaysia has just completed. There have been some changes in the CWC members based on the election that was held yesterday. Below is the list of the new CWC members for the term 2011-2012.
President : Sri Dr Achaiah Kumar Rao
Deputy President : Sri GT Natchanna
Vice President 1 : Sri Dr Rama Krishna Kumar
Vice President 2 : Sri A.R. Appalanaidu
Vice President 3 : Sri Venkatesan
Hon.Gen. Secretary : Sri Sree Ramulu
Assistant Secretary : Sri IR R.Sambamoorthy
Assistant Secretary : Sri Sathiah Sudhakaran
Hon.Gen. Treasurer : Sri Ramarao
Youth Chief : Sri Mahendra Rao
Mahila Chief : Srimati Dhanalaxmi
On behalf of TAM Bagan Datoh Branch, we would like to congratulate the newly elected CWC members. For the first time ever, a youth from our branch have been elected as the Youth Chief. We are proud of Sri Mahendra Rao. We hope that this CWC will be more efficient and productive to deliver what is expected by the delegates in order to achieve the aims of the association.
We also would like to thank the outgoing leaders for their services to the association. Thank you very much to our dedicated 2009-2010 Vice Presidents, Sri Veera Rao and Srimati Vijay Ganganaidu and also to the dynamic 2006-2010 Youth Chief, Sri Venkat Ramanaidu. Your services to the Telugu community is appreciated. We hope that you will continue your good work.